SAP - Sprue Aegis PLC
SAP stands for Sprue Aegis PLC
Here you will find, what does SAP stand for in Firm under Electronics category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Sprue Aegis PLC? Sprue Aegis PLC can be abbreviated as SAP What does SAP stand for? SAP stands for Sprue Aegis PLC. What does Sprue Aegis PLC mean?Sprue Aegis PLC is an expansion of SAP
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Alternative definitions of SAP
- Systems, Applications, and Products
- Service Access Point
- Systems Applications And Products
- Systems Applications Products
- Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing
- Secondary Audio Program
- Service Access Point
- Service Access Point
View 205 other definitions of SAP on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SNA Sac Nordic Ab
- SFO San Francisco Oy
- SM School of the Madeleine
- SBCEL SBC Exports Limited
- SGRC Southwest Georgia Regional Commission
- SSTP Step Systems That Perform
- SDL Surface Dynamics LLC
- SW Solutions at Work
- SECR South East Central Railway
- SCFSC Sisters of Charity Foundation of South Carolina
- SDC Salon Des Communications
- SBBF Smith Barney Brokerage Firm
- SAAGE SAA Global Education
- SGA Sandman Group As